What is Vinyl Wrap?
There is a big difference between a Vinyl Wrapping your vehicle or Sign writing it.
Printed vinyl wrap is a specialist material, a cast vinyl than can be manipulated to cover a vehicle with a printed design (or a solid colour) and is generally a far more expensive material.
Advertising vinyl wraps can be fully printed or printed backgrounds with text and logos fitted over the top. Full Colour printed wraps also require double the material as it needs a clear laminate vinyl to cover the print.
Basically a vinyl wrap, wraps around bodywork with a full colour or print costs more to produce and install, a full wrap can take days to complete correctly the cost higher than van signage,which can be completed in a few hours.
Sign writing Cut vinyl graphics can be manufactured from calendared vinyls, which are not easily manipulated to go round 3D shapes but have advantage of longer life and hard wearing used for sign writing and simple logos, also printed logos can be produced on media suitable for flat panels.
We are happy to discuss options for your ideas and budgets just call, email or drop in .....

Vinyl Wrap Ideas and coverage details below....

Background Wrap Option
Using a background wrap to cover the recess panels to the rear, and covering the bonnet then added branding over the top.

Colour change half Wrap Option
Using a soild colour vinyl wrap to cover the top half panels to two tone a vehicle or Half Vertically covering just the rear, branding can be added over the top.

Full COLOUR CHANGE Wrap Option
Using a soild colour vinyl wrap to cover all the vehicle, branding can be added over the top or just left in its new colour (Huge Choice of Colours)

Quarter & Half Printed Wrap Option
Using a printed wrap to cover part your vehicle, branding included in the print and additional text as required.

PArt Wrap Option
with Chevron kit and Branding
Using a part wrap to cover any area in addition to branding and safety chevrons and reflective graphics.

Large Van half Printed Wrap Option
Using a printed part background wrap to cover the panels covering half the van, and bonnet then added branding over the rest of the space.

SMALL VAN Full Printed Wrap Option
Using a full colour vinyl wrap to cover all the panels match your fleet create a very impactful advert!

Medium size Full Printed Wrap Option
Use any design in full colour vinyl wrap to cover all the panels and get noticed !

Large Van Full Wrap Option
Using a full colour vinyl wrap to cover all the panels to create a very big statement !